Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #251

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five!  It's been one busy week over here.  Fall is really upon us.  A good time to look back over the week and notice some of those good things that uplift us in our our lives.  It's easy to join in.  The guidelines are here, take a look at them and then just jump right on in.

1.  Everyday heroes!  This video just made me cry.  So thankful for those caring fireman and other first responders.

The scene was captured on the fireman's helmet camera.  Fifteen minutes and a tank of oxygen later this kitty is onto his 2nd of nine lives.

It even made a news program.  And it made me smile that there were caring everyday heroes out there who take the time to help even a helpless little cat.

2.  Reconnecting with a friend I haven't seen in probably about 20 years.  And she's coming to visit this weekend with her 19 year old son whom I've never met.  I'm looking forward to lots of catching up.

3.  Fall decorations out.  I finally got around to breaking out the fall decorations.  I love the colors that fall brings in and it was nice to see them gracing the decor around here.

4.  Flannel pj's.  Yes, I broke them out too.  We haven't got our big duvet out yet on the bed and I was a little chilly at night with it getting down to single digits (that would be celcius so in the 30's for F).  So my solution was to put on the flannels.  We are cozy once again.

5.  A great night at Lady's study.  Not everyone was there but those who were really contributed and we had some great comments and observations and study of  "Being blessed so that we can bless others".  It all ended with a good time of prayer for each other.  Love it when the ladies come ready and willing to participate rather than just someone spending the whole time being the only one talking.

What have your 5 favorite blessings been over the week?

Just a reminder that the Linky is for those that are participating in the Friday's Fave Five meme.  Please don't add a link if you have not written a Friday's Fave Five post.  In respect to those who are participating, unrelated links will be deleted.


Willow said...

Awwww. That kitten rescue video was so sweet! Yay, Cory!

Flannel pjs? Yep, even out here in Cali, it's flannel time.

Your Bible study group sounds wonderful--great fellowship and learning.

nikkipolani said...

Oh, look at your new button! Very nice.

Sweeeeet kitty story! We need to see acts of kindness when the news is full of evil.

I haven't broken out the flannels yet, but I am wearing pajamas with sleeves now ;-)

Fellowship is wonderful -- so glad you have been blessed by yours this week.

Ingrid said...

I didn't cry but my eyes were suddenly filled with tears ! How touching ! I could have kissed this fireman !
I had Mr. G. in hospital and was a little out of the world ;) !

Faith said...

I love the new image forFFF. I will start using it next week!!
Yay for flannel..too warm here in eastern NY for that yet, but I did add our fleece blankets from LLbean to all the beds last week as our temps dipped to 42 F at night. I decorated for autumn too!!! Love hero stories!!! Have a great weekend

Kathie said...

Sweet video - Sarah showed it to me yesterday.

Glad you reconnected with your friend! You'll have a lot of catching up to do when she comes for the visit. :)

I can't wear flannel to bed - I get too hot. but I've finally turned the air conditioner off. Now I open the window . . . poor Roger freezes :)

Glad the women in your group are sharing - it makes for a much more meaningful study.

Hope you have a great weekend Susanne!

Lynette said...

Happy Friday. My decorations have been out for awhile and I am really enjoying them. How fun to meet up with an old friend.

Barbara H. said...

Love the new FFF button!

I'll have to come back and watch the video later - my husband is on a conference call a few feet away from me and probably wouldn't appreciate it just now. :-)

How good to connect with an old friend!

I haven't been quite ready to break out the fall decorations, but did think just this week that I need to get my spring/summer wreath down.

Flannel pjs sound so cozy but I get too hot for them.

The Bible study sounds wonderful.

Jerralea said...

I like the new FFF button, too.

I'm not ready for flannel yet - I'm hot natured, but I am enjoying these cool nights.

We just had a ladies meeting at my church, too. I enjoy them so much - especially when we can get good conversation going.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

LOVE that new FFF button!

Blessed so you can bless others...I like that.

How neat to see a friend from long ago. Enjoy! Have a great week ahead.

elizabeth said...

Oh I cannot wait until true fall gets here! We're supposed to have a big rain tomorrow and I have my knitting and book at the ready for a super relaxing day.

Have a great weekend!!

snowbird said...

What a wonderful video....ahhhhhh.

Autumn has arrived here too so I have joined you with the decorations and warm jimjams!!!xxxx