Friday, December 02, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #168

It's the first Friday of December (can't believe I just typed that, where oh, where did that year go?).  Anyway, that means it time to look for blessings that happened over the last week.  Are you ready to take a look no matter what you're week was like.  I encourage you no matter how the week shaped up, whether good or bad or indifferent, to take a moment or two and look for those things that brought a smile, a lifting of your heart.  If you are new, you can go for the guidelines here and then just join in.

It's been quite a week around here and I feel like my brain is really muddled but I know there are blessings that have snuck up on me if I just take the time to look.  So here are the five that I've chosen to share for this week:

1.  A day with no wind.  The day before yesterday was a day with no wind.  And for that I am very grateful. It has literally been windy since Monday before last.  Howling windy.  And Sunday Southern Alberta saw an extreme wind storm like I don't remember before.  I mean we're used to wind.  But this one was crazy.  Anyway, we had a one day reprieve on Tuesday.  A chance for my 7 day headache to subside and disappear before the howling all started again.  And for that one day, I am very grateful!

2.  Tea that relaxes.  There is just something about a cup of nice, hot tea that relaxes and soothes the soul.  Lemon/mango, organic peppermint and my favorite: lemon meringue have all done their job this week to bring the calm in a chaotic type of week.

3.  A cozy fireplace burning (or at pretending to) even if it is electric.  With the wind and snow blowing yesterday, I turned on that handy, dandy switch and got the electric fireplace blazing.  Not actually, though it did give off a nice glow of fake flames and gave the cozy feeling.

4.  Watching my crazy dog playing in the snow.  He loves snow, my crazy doggy.  He was out there throwing his tennis ball around and prancing around in the blowing snow.  Watching him definitely brought some smiles.

5.  Ladies Bible Study.  This week's study was sooo good.  Even though what we are studying is very challenging (we are taking on a book about offense) the conversation was lively, hearts were open and vulnerable to God's truth, we learned and we laughed so hard we couldn't breathe.  So good for the heart and soul!

What have you're favorites been for the week?  Share in post and sign in on the Linky, grab a cup of warm coffee or tea and have a nice visit with the others.  I hope you all have a very relaxing weekend.  With no wind!  :v)


nikkipolani said...

Hurray for no wind! Some of it must've come down to us... That lemon meringue tea sounds intriguing. Tea and fire place sound perfect for your windy/snowy days. Hope you get to unmuddle a bit this weekend.

Willow said...

Your puppy dog's antics sound so cute. It must be fun to watch him.

I think you sent your wind on to us. We're having Santa Ana winds here but they're cold not hot.

Enjoy more tea this weekend.

Ingrid said...

I hate wind it makes me nervous and when it's really stormy I am scared since two trees of our garden once fell over the street !
I too love the open fire we fortunately have a real one it came with the house. And the cats love it. Temperatures are still warm for the season and snow is far away !

Anonymous said...

Wow yo have had some crazy cold weather.....I bet the fire is so nice even if it's electric. There is something soothing about hot tea and a fake fire!!! :) I miss doing FFF, I must try again sometime, I am just too busy!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I've been away for awhile, and it feels good to be back in FFF land! Your tea sounds perfect. Hope you have a restful weekend!

Jientje said...

It's the simple things in life that make us smile, a nice cup of tea, a nice fire in the fireplace, a dog playing in the snow ...
I finally found the time this week to post an FFF, it's been very busy around here too. This week I'm really looking forward to a visit from my daughter tomorrow. I hope I can take some pictures and join in again next week!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Mmmmm relaxing it!! And I love my fireplace; nothing like a fire going on a cold, wintery evening (though it's been in the 50's lately here so no fire yet). My dog loves the snow! Not sure if our new one does or not but I'm sure he does too!

Lisa notes... said...

I can't imagine that much wind. Must be unsettling. Glad you got at least a one day break from it.

Even down here in Alabama we're about ready to use the fireplace. Dipping in the 30's at night lately is really cold to me. :-)

Would love to have been in that Ladies Bible study!

Catherine said...

I missed you last week, I'm sorry! I'm glad to be back! I hope you enjoy a cozy, wind free weekend. A nice (electric or not!) fire, a cup of tea and a sweet puppy. Perfect!

Lynette said...

we've had high winds too. Trees are almost bare now. Love lively discussion at Bible studies.Makes them so much more interesting and though provoking. We have a fireplace, but no fire gel. I've been popping in a dvd fireplace. Love my fake fire place.

Jerralea said...

Ooh, I love laughing so hard I can't breathe! So glad your bible study is a place where you can do that.

The flavors of your teas sound so interesting!

It's a good thing your doggy likes to play in snow since you have so much of it.

Barbara H. said...

So glad the wind let up for a bit. Hopefully it will do so for a longer period before too long.

Glad your doggie likes snow -- it would be a bit of a problem if he didn't!

The Bible study sounds wonderful.

Faith said...

great list of faves! we've had unusually mild weather so no white stuff yet for us....for which i'm thankful.
I love coffee but a good cup of herbal tea in the evenings really DOES soothe the soul...add a good book and the Good Book's downright blissful!
My faves are finally up...bloggerwas giving me trouble early tnis morning.

Karyn said...

Your post is so cozy and warm.
Glad you got one day, at least, without wind.
There is something about a fireplace, isn't there? ('fake' or not.)
Hope the wind dies down for more than a day for you!

Christina said...

Glad to hear your headache finally disappeared and I will pray for your wind to calm down.

Yes a nice cup of tea really hits the spot and so does sitting by the fire. Besides electric is so nice because it is not messy and better for you health, no smoke inhalation if you know what i mean.