Friday, April 08, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #134

It's Friday and that means looking back over the week and finding five favorite things from out of your week.  What were your favorites?  Here are mine:

1.  Cadbury Mini Eggs.   Oh, how I love these.  Oh, how I shouldn't be buying them.  Oh, but I did.  And oh, how I ate them.  I won't even tell you how many.  But oh, were they ever good!

2.  This just made me grin ear to ear.  And it made me cry.   I asked my oldest if she thought we could ever talk her Dad into something like this when the time comes.  I better start praying about it now while I have unlimited time.  LOL.  But it would be so fun.

3.  Tulips.  Bet you didn't know it was my favorite.  As if the button wasn't a hint.  I bought my first bouquet of the season.  I chose red with yellow for this week.  Next week I might go purple.  Or orange.  Or pink.  Or maybe some of all the colors.  :v)

4.  A clean sink.  I don't always accomplish a totally empty sink scrubbed shiny at night but when I do it sure feels good.  And looks great.  Hubby has surprised me a couple of times this week by finishing up what's left in there and doing it before I get up in the morning.  That's really nice!

5.  Organizing shows like "Enough Already with Peter Walsh".  Shows like that motivate me to declutter and keep things organized.  I need the visual.  There is something about watching the process that someone else goes through that lights the fire under me.

What have been your favorites from the week?  Share in a post and sign on up on the Mr. Linky.  Then don't forget to visit around a bit.  That is the other half of the fun.


nikkipolani said...

Lovely signs of spring to bring inside, Susanne... esp if you're still getting snow! Clean and organized sounds really good. How nice that your husband helps out.

Ingrid said...

For us the winter is over fortunately everything blooms and gets green ! unfortunately I couldn't see the video it was blocked because of copyrights which Belgium apparently hadn't payed, lol !

Willow said...

What a great video! Loved it!

Oh, I love clean and organized too! This afternoon I attacked my kitchen!

LivingforGod said...

Thanks for sharing this video. What a fun-loving father-daughter duo :)! Very sweet.

I also love tulips and clean sink.

Hazel said...

Decluttering and cleaning are such special treats to have. The feeling is just nice. Cadbury mini eggs -oh yum! If you get those purple tulips please post a photo. I'd love to see them :) Happy Friday, Susanne.

Jientje said...

What a sweet husband you have! Of course, you already knew that, didn't you? I bet he's as sweet as mine is! The video is not available to me in my country, so I cannot really comment on this one. Easter eggs and tulips, they're favorites of mine too! It's been a great week for me, and I can see it was the same for you. Enjoy your weekend Susanne!

Jerralea said...

I love all those same things - chocolate, clean sinks, and organizing. Especially tuplips!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, my goodness -- that video made me laugh out loud, and then I teared up at the end. Loved it! I have a friend who knows how to tap and he and his daughter did a little soft shoe at her reception.

Enjoy those tulips!

TXDidi said...

I absolutely love that video. What a joy-filled relationship that father and daughter obviously have. Thanks so much for sharing that, Susanne.

ellen b. said...

The video is hilarious and I don't think I could ever convince Dear or Katie to do that since they both hate to be the center of attention. I enjoyed your 5 Susanne. A clean sink is way up there for comfort for me. That show sounds fun...

Lisa notes... said...

Oh, I had forgotten about those Cadbury mini eggs. Now I’ll have to buy some too! I have already had WAY too many of the Cadbury cream eggs, and we won’t even THINK about counting those calories. Ha.

I love organizing shows too. They are inspiring.

I’m sending the wedding link to my daughter. I don’t think my husband would ever do it either though. But that is so cute. Had me laughing out loud.

Maude Lynn said...

I love those Cadbury eggs!

Pondside said...

I don't know the Cadbury eggs, and the joys of organizing, while desirable, continue to elude me. I do know that I loved the little wedding dance clip that you posted - what a good sport that dad is!
I've enjoyed Fave Fives on other posts, and am very happy to join in today!

Barbara H. said...

You know, I don't think I have ever had a Cadbury egg. I need to rectify that!

That video is so sweet.

I'm loving seeing the tulips come up around the neighborhood.

I know what you mean about a freshly cleaned sink -- it doesn't stay that way for long, but it sure is nice for those fleeting moments!

Faith said...

I almost included those candy eggs on MY list too!!!! And yay for that wedding video....although we have that song in mind for Dave and Courtney to dance to someday, I can tell ya right now the other stuff won't be happening....Dave would never go for it! lol.....and you know tulips are one of my absolute faves...and i totally agree about shiny sinks!!

Karen said...

Loved the video! It made me smile. And teary:)

And thanks for the info on Peter Walsh's show! I adore that man, I wish he would come live with me and get me organized. I went to the website to find out what channel he's on here. I had no idea he had another show.

Unknown said...

this is first time to participate..looking forward to being a regular

Catherine said...

Aren't those eggs incredible? I love them! I was so glad when they started making the minis! The video was precious. It made me miss my Dad. He would have loved something like this, but he had narcolepsy and cataplexy, so he would have never made it through, we would have been laughing too hard!

I've seen a few Tulips and Daffodils peeking up outside. Maybe a nice bouquet is in order.

I used to subscribe to flylady, and the first task is to really clean the kitchen sink. It always stuck with me, and now I'm obsessed.

I love those shows, too. But I live with 3 packrats!

Christina said...

That was the best video ever. I loved when they broke out into YMCA.

Christina said...

BTW do you mind if I post this video sometime next week? Of course I will give you all the credit.

Karyn said...

The video is great! The father/daughter dance is always so matter what song/dance is used.

I have a book by Peter Walsh but I've never seen his show.

A shiny sink at must read FlyLady! :)

Laura said...

Loved the video!! And you know I love my chocolate and those eggs are the BEST. Yum.

I haven't seen that show of Peter's but I don't have cable so I'm going to see if I can find it online. Sounds good!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh I love tulips also. Any flower that shows it's face after a long cold winter is OK in my book