Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #808

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  This is the place to take a pause from our busy and ordinary everyday lives and look back over the week to notice those things that bring blessing to to days.  It doesn't have to be something big and obvious, most likely it will not be.  But in developing the habit of noticing our blessings no matter what we are going through helps us to maintain perspective.  When we're in the thick of it blessings can escape us and life looks darker and harder.  By choosing to notice blessings from God, and taking the time to be thankful for them, it will help to carry us when days are tougher.  Please join us.

~ Thanksgiving ~ I love the Thanksgiving holiday.  It doesn't have the crazy commercialism of Christmas (though don't get me wrong, I love Christmas too).  In Canada, Thanksgiving is far enough away from Christmas that we can really focus on what this day is meant to be.  I love the gathering of family and friends, the traditional and sometimes not so traditional foods, the thanksgiving for all those blessings being forefront.  

~ safe travels ~ because all my kids travel to come see us I'm always so very thankful for the safe travels of all of them.  Whether it's the two hour drive two of them do or the 6+ hour drive the third one has to do, I'm so thankful when they come walking in the door safe and sound or when I get that txt saying they made it home.

~ helping hands ~ this Sunday will be the kick off to Operation Christmas Child at our church.  This year I put out the call for help to my ladie's bible study to come a half hour early to study to help me put the boxes together.  With 7 of us there we were able to snap all the boxes together in that short time and started our bible study right one time.  So thankful for willing hearts and hands.  It would have taken me a couple of hours to do it myself.

~ volunteer shift confirmed ~ our requested shift at the Operation Christmas Child processing center was confirmed and I'm so excited.  Plans are afoot for our weekend in Calgary where the center is.  I love participating in every step of the shoebox journey.  

~ pizza party with Mom ~ this year my sis and I decided that this time for Thanksgiving instead of having both our families all at the same time to dinner with Mom we would break it up into two groups.  Mom is 92 and sometimes when we are all there the conversation swirls around her instead of her being a participant and we wondered if it would just be too exhausting for her.  Everything just all depends on how she is feeling that particular day.  So we thought less people at once might make it easier on her and it would give her two visits instead of one.  Saturday was my family's day to visit and we decided to take in pizza.  She was so happy.  She visited so much more with less people and she loved the pizza.  Monday my sister's family took in a Turkey dinner casserole which I heard was delicious too.  So I think we made a good decision. 

~ helpful hubby ~ once again I am so thankful for Hubby's helpfulness.  My car had a recall on it to fix some minor issue, I can't even remember what it was, but he was the one who took the car to the appt and picked it up again for me when it was done.  Takes so much pressure off.  When you have a home based child care it is so difficult to make it anywhere for these kinds of appointments because the hours are longer than a lot of businesses.  

What blessings are you thankful for this week?


  1. What a lovely idea to split up your Thanksgiving visits with your mum. Not only does it make it easier on her but she gets 2!

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful thanksgiving and a week full of God's mercies and blessings. SO glad your kiddoes all made it to and from safely.
    Great idea regarding your mom! I remember my dad would get a bit overwhelmed in his care facility if too many people gathered at once.
    YAY For OCC. I have my box all set and now just need to do the shopping :) It's a blessing to serve in this ministry and I'm so looking forward to my turn on collection day. I think even my daughters still do this now that they're on their own. I know my oldest did last year anyways. We are all about OCC!!

    ENJOY the weekend

  3. Belated Happy Thanksgiving! So glad your kids could all come and had safe travels. That does sound like a better idea to visit your mom separately in smaller groups. It's so fun that OCC prep has started--glad you had helping hands to assemble the boxes. My husband usually takes care of car-related issues, too. So helpful--even more so in your situation.

  4. The lobby at our church is full of the shoe boxes ready to be filled! Hooray that all the kids came walking through your door. I know the feeling. Smart to break down the number around your mom for your celebrations. I do like the fact that your Thanksgiving is in October instead of November. Glad you had a great one!

  5. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I think it is so much nicer celebrating Thanksgiving during this time rather than American one. I suppose we consider Thanksgiving as the start of the Christmas season but it is so much more than that.

    It's wonderful that children drive to you for this holiday. And the Pizza dinner with your mother sounds like a perfect solution for her. I remember when my mother was alive and we'd go to my brother's for holidays. There were so many people and conversatuion and she seemed to retreat to the couch and stay there.

    Just this morning I was talking to my DIL about this program for children and Christmas and couldn't think of the name of it. Thank you for the reminder. I'd like to get our church interested in this!

    Have a lovely weekend, Susanne!

  6. How wonderful that all your kids could join you for Thanksgiving! Food looks scrumptious.

    Glad you had good help as OCC arrives and your shift confirmed. Such a productive and fruitful ministry.

    What good plans you had for smaller gatherings with your Mom. Fun food and great company. Sounds like she really loved both visits.

  7. I think you definitely made the right choice about how to celebrate with your Mum - it can be hard to follow conversations when there are too many people together. Glad you had the family home with you too. Have a good weekend Susanne.

  8. Hi Susanne. So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Your food looks delicious. You are a kind and considerate daughter to your aging mom. Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful way to serve others. So glad you could get the volunteer shift you wanted. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  9. I'm glad you had such a good Thanksgiving, the kids arriving safely and returning home safely. I agree that you did the right decision to spread out the celebration that way for your mom.
    Hubbies who help are definitely a blessing.
    Good news on all the Operation Christmas Child organizing working out so well.
    I hope you have a good weekend!

  10. Our church does Operation Christmas child too. I went to help at the table on Sunday, but they had plenty of help. I will be there for collections. I think it was wise to split Thanksgiving for your mom!
