Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #782

Hello Friday and hello friends.  Welcome once again to Friday's Fave Fives.  It's our intentional place to practice taking note of the blessings God sends into our ordinary days and being grateful for each of them.  It's a funny thing about learning to be aware of the blessings in our lives.  The more we practice being grateful for them the more we notice the many blessings we do have.  And the more we notice our blessings the more fulfilled we feel.  Discontent is a peace robber and it is so evident in our society today.  Learning to notice all that we have, from the big blessings to the littlest of things helps us to be in a more fulfilled place.  And being grateful to God who gives them brings us a peace even when we are going through difficult times.  Please join in as we share 5 of our favorites from the past week.

~ celebrating life ~ one of the dayhome families welcomed a new babe this week.  It's always so fun to experience the older sibling wait with anticipation of becoming the big brother or sister and then to celebrate with them when they announce their sibling has arrived.  New babes are a miracle and worth celebrating!

~ found a favorite treat ~ haven't seen them in a while but I found the chocolate covered jubejubes that I love at the drugstore.  Of course I had to get a bag and have been enjoying the odd nibble here and there.  

~ sunshine warmth ~ Saturday and Sunday were absolutely beautiful with sunshine and warmth.  We fired up the bbq and grilled burgers.  I took my Mom outside for the first time in forever and it was a joy to watch her enjoy and soak in the lovely day.  I'm so thankful for that weekend of sunshine as Tuesday we were plunged back down to freezing temps for the rest of the week.  This weekend starts another upward trend of warm temps that are hopefully here to stay now. 

~ great reads ~ after setting aside a book that was just not capturing my attention (DNF'd at pg 75) I'm happy to say my next choice has drawn me right in.  I have got over feeling that I have to plug through a book I am not enjoying just to see if it gets better.  I mean by pg 75 it should have peaked my interest.  I don't think twice anymore about reaching for the next one.  Too many books, not enough time to just endure a book.  I want to be sucked into the story.   Reading and good books are a huge blessing in my life.  

~ these beauties ~  Well they certainly knew what they were doing setting out shelves of these flowers in various colors right as I walked into the grocery store.  I couldn't resist.  I've always loved ranunculus and this was the only one of this color.  Needless to say it was not left behind.  As soon as it warms up enough these spring beauties are going into the front flower bed.

What were your favorite blessings from the past week?


  • “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” – Thornton Wilder


  1. With such a large extended family we seem to always be anticipating a new baby although none at the moment. Lovely flowers and lovely pic of you with your Mum. Have a good weekend - hope it warms up for you.

  2. What a wonderful photo of you and your mom! ANd yay for warm temps and sunshine. We had 3 days of that here and now it's chilly and cloudy this AM.

    I love new babies and the excitement they bring to older sibs. Congrats to the family!

    Those flowers are a gorgeous color!!

    I'm with you on books. There's no way I continue reading books if they don't capture my attention within the first couple of chapters (for me I usually say by chapter 3 if they're short or page 100 if the chapters are longer). I just returned a book earlier this month that just was eh.......too many good ones and not enough time!

    I hope you have a blessed weekend full of sun and warmth and good coffee and books!

  3. How fun to celebrate a new baby with one of your dayhome families. I'm so glad you got to take your mom out in the sunshine while you had it. Hopefully the sunshine will be more frequent soon. That ranuncula is beautiful! I don't know if I have ever seen them here--I'll have to keep an eye out.

    I agree about books. With trying to write my own, I've been reading books and blogs about writing and publishing. So many say, "You've got to catch the attention of the agent or publisher on the first page or you don't have a chance." And then I wonder how books like the one you mentioned ever get published while so many good ones get overlooked. Different tastes for different people, I guess. I tend to give a book a long chance, thinking it will eventually have to get better. But I agree, I have too many great books stacked up to waste time on a poor one. I have some on my shelf now that I am thinking of getting rid of without reading. I really hate to do that---but they were either gifts or old purchases that don't interest me now.

  4. OH so glad your mom got to get out and enjoy the weather. I live in Missouri and I am so thankful that my grandparents didn't go any further north! LOL! I would not survive such long winters.
    I totally agree on your assessment of reading. Life is too short to spend on books that just don't capture you!
    I hope your weather warms and you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Such a sweet photo of you and your mom. Sunshine is so encouraging. We dropped down into freezing a couple times this week and my peonies and rhubarb look floppy now. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. What a sweet sweet shot of you and your mom in that lovely sunshine.

    I'm with you on books that don't draw me in. Sometimes it's my mood and I'm too impatient. Sometimes it's clear the writer's style and content isn't worth continuing. Glad you've got a healthy TBR pile!

    Ranunculus are pretty spectacular, aren't they? You've picked a beautiful bouquet of them with that picoteed pink and white variety.

  7. I used to feel guilty if I didn't finish a book but I'm with you now. I give it some time and if I'm not looking forward to getting back into it, it's gone.

    Lovely flowers. I've not heard of ranunculus, but they are a lovely color. I don't often know the names of flowers - just that I enjoy them.

    Your mom looks so happy sitting out in the sun! Sun just perks you up.

    Congrats to the family with the new baby!

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Oh I love that picture of you and your mom! And it was a sunny day!
    Ranunculus are beautiful flowers! You lucked out with that lovely one.
    "Discontent is a peace robber." Yes. May we all learn to focus on contentment.
    It is so sweet when the older sibling is excited to embrace the new baby in the family. It makes me smile to think of that happy family.
    Enjoy a sunny weekend!

  9. It seems to me that you have exactly the same weather ! It was warm when we had the dog show and then it became cold and rainy again. I think I would get depressed if I didn't have this wonderful view even when it rains !

  10. Hi Susanne, I love ranunculus and that sure is a pretty one! They remind me of my grandpa. That is a lot of books to read. I am almost through with the Left Behind series. That is a nice picture of your mom. You are blessed to have her. I lost my mom in 2010 but I know I will see her again in Heaven! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Just catching up on reading blogs. I finally got a post up -- first one in April!

    Love the photo of you and your mom. Oh, I still miss my mom! and it's been over 20 years :(

    I don't think I've ever seen ranunculus -- I'm sure they don't sell it in the grocery stores, but maybe the nurseries have it. It's very pretty.

    I'm with you on not feeling obligated to finish books. My son convinced me years ago, when I was grumpy about a book I thought I had to finish. The wisdom of youth.
