Friday, April 12, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #781

Hi everyone and welcome to Friday's Fave Five where we join in with others and share some of our favorite blessings from the past week. It helps us to develop a habit to look for the good things in our everday and be grateful for them so that even when tougher times come, and they do, we have already ingrained in ourselves to look for God's blessings. Please join in with us!

~ pickle pizza ~  I'm down to try new things and it sounds odd but it was actually very good.  Yes, it had actual sliced pickles on it with bacon bits on a yummy garlic sauce.  

~ spur of the moment lunch date ~ Sunday Hubby and I went on a lunch date to our favorite brunch place.  We hadn't been on a date to a sit down restaurant in a long time and it was nice just to have the two of us.  We enjoyed a delicious served brunch where instead of us going to get our food at a help yourself service, they bring the food to your table according to the number of people ordering.  There is a huge variety of yummy brunch items and tasters.  And real tiramisu for dessert!  

~ fresh haircut and color ~ it was time to freshen up the color this week and I went a little blonde again with the highlights.  I decided I just wasn't quite ready to let the natural grey in my hair to be the highlights.  She did a great job as usual.  I always love a good cut and color to perk me up.

~ bible study night ~ after a 3 week break it was nice to get back to our regularly scheduled Monday evening of study with 2 of my friends.  We're still plugging away through the book of Romans and Monday nights section brought some fresh insight into the chapter we were on.  I appreciate the 2 ladies I am blessed to share this night with.

~ some fun visitors ~ a small herd of deer visited our neighborhood front lawns much to the awe and amusement of the dayhome kids.  It was fun to watch them for the few minutes they graced us with their presence.  

What have been your favorite 5 blessings from the past week?


  1. I love this cheerful faves list!

    YAY for a fresh color and cut...picture please!! I haven't colored mine since December! But thankfully so far the grey that's coming in is more silver. I'm ok with it alhtough the process is gonna take a LONG time. I'm tempted to go a bit shorter so it doesn't take as long.

    How fun to have a spontaneous brunch date with hubby. I love those kinds of days.

    It's so funny to see deer in an area with sidewalks. We're used to them out here in the suburbs as we're surrounded by woods but....I prefer seeing them in the mountains where they're less likely to be hit by a car! how fun for the little ones to watch them

    Now I have to admit I don't think i'd even try a pizza that had pickles on it....and i no longer eat pork bacon so....BUT.....4 years ago i had a student (age 5) who insisted i try his pickle chips and I became an instant fan. (I only buy them for hikes otherwise i'd be getting fat if i ate them every day or even every week!!)

    I hope you have a restful weekend. (I just got the latest Charles Martin book from library!! Well, i think it's his latest).

  2. I had not heard of pickles as a pizza topping. Interesting! But we do make a hamburger pie with ground beef (or ground turkey for us), mustard, ketchup, cheese, and pickles that is good, so I am thinking pickles on pizza probably tastes similar.

    We've not been in a sit-down restaurant in a long time, either. A spur-of-the-moment date is fun!

    I'm badly in need of a haircut. It's amazing how one can change how we feel about ourselves.

    Romans is a great book to study but has some hard parts. A good one to study with others to share insights with. Our ladies' Bible study is going through Isaiah, which is similar in having some stand-out beautiful passages but others that are harder to work through.

    How fun to have so many deer stop by!


  3. what fun to look out your window and see deer! The kids must have been enchanted!
    I'm due for a haircut but I stopped coloring it when I retired. At times I look in the mirror and see my mother staring back at me and I wonder...maybe I should begin again.
    My daughter and I will be hitting a couple restaurants this weekend when she visits.
    I love the book of Romans and am in the middle of a study of it right now.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. A brunch date sounds lovely. Oh boy...I'm about 2 weeks late for a haircut because of things coming up on my scheduled date. Thursday this coming week I'll finally get that trim! Fun for the kids to see those deer. Happy weekend to you!

  5. I can just imagine all the shouts and laughter of the day care kids seeing the deer.
    Hair cuts are indeed blessings. (thanks for the reminder to schedule mine!)
    I'm game to try new things on my pizza. This weekend I added artichoke hearts to my take away pizza which we ate at home. Maybe I'll try the pickles next time.
    Happy Weekend to you!

  6. Hi Susanne. That pizza looks really good! (I am reading this at lunch time ;-) ) Your brunch sounds delicious and relaxing. I am sure it was really fun for your day home kids to see those deer in the neighborhood. Studying God's Word with friends is always awesome. Sounds like you had a nice week, with a lot of little blessings to be grateful for. I hope you have a very good weekend! See you again soon.

  7. Okay, pickle pizza is a new one to me, but I love pickles and bacon and garlic. What could go wrong??

    How lovely you could have your beloved all to yourself over a meal you didn't make or bring to the table. And dessert for breakfast/brunch, too!

    There's something special about a small study group, isn't there? Glad you could get back into meeting up with your friends.

    Nice your dayhome kids got some entertaining visitors! Happy weekend, Susanne.

  8. I have never heard of pickles on a pizza. I do like pickles, so I would try it. A fresh cut is always nice. I color my own hair about every 6 weeks. I live in the city, so we would not see deer around here. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. The pizza sounds interesting. Not something I've seen. Yay for a haircut and colour - always makes you feel good (unless something goes wrong lol). I'm sure the kids were fascinated by the deer. We get them in the forest but not that close to homes. Enjoy the rest of the weekend Susanne.
