Thursday, April 04, 2013

3D at it's finest

Ever since we replaced the fish in the tank
this is where we constantly find the cat.

Muffin thinks we've bought her her very own 3D TV!
And she needs no glasses!

I don't know if she just enjoys watching them
or if she's planning her strategy
to get in there
and wondering how soon
she can have a fish fry.


  1. Too cute! Here fishy fishy....

  2. Definitely looks like she's plotting! LOL!

  3. Beautiful tank! You've inspired me to get our act together and redo ours.

  4. Oh what a pretty fish tank, Susanne!! and my oldest gal would just LOVE your kitty!!! I say "Ah choo!!" :)

  5. LOL that is so funny.

    We actually have to redo ours but we're waiting to see if we're moving next month or not before we do anything.

  6. Wow ! that would be something for my cats ! They would sit all four around this 3D TV !
