Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #335

Welcome to the first summer edition of Friday's Fave Five.  I can't believe it's summer already!  And a hot Friday it is.  In spite of the lazy, holiday feel it's still good to take a pause and look for our blessings and good things from over the past week.  Guidelines are in the sidebar if you are new and would like to join us!

1.  Movie date with hubby.  With a handy dandy Costco movie ticket, hubby and I took in San Andreas 3D at the theatre on the weekend.  Nothing like a good ol' Hollywood disaster movie to get the heart pumping.  The 3D effects were pretty awesome.  A nice date with hubby!

2.  Father's Day.  We took my Dad and Hubby for a yummy breakfast at Cora's.  Being Father's Day. the line up was way out the door but we got in lickety split, only about a 20 minute wait.   As usual the breakfast was delicious.  It was nice to bless my Dad and Hubby and we had a really nice time.  Every time a holiday comes along it becomes especially important to me to be with my parents as they are both in their 80's and I always wonder how many more holidays I might have with them.

3.  New walking path to explore.  There are some great new walking paths through the coulees that we can explore this summer.  Father's Day we took one of them and walked off that big breakfast.  I'm looking forward to some more walks this summer through some of these wonderful areas that our city has. (Looking back I guess walking made my list last week too but this weeks are all about new trails to try)

4.  Air conditioning.  With the summer arriving upon us with a heat wave this week, I'm very thankful for air conditioning.  I know some of you may laugh at what we consider really hot, but for us anything in the 80's is getting up there.  I don't run my air super cold but just that little cooling off is so nice.  I'm especially thankful when I can get my 80 some year old mom out of her hot house to come and sit in some cooler temperature even if it's just for a few hours.

5.  Ethiopian food.  My first taste of African food was the Ethiopian variety at a wedding we attended on Saturday.  I ate every bite.  I especially liked a cabbage/carrot vegetable dish they had. I like trying new foods from different cultures as long as it's not totally weird stuff like bugs and such.

There were many more good little moments this week but those were 5 of my favourites.  What blessed and uplifted you this week in your life?

Just a reminder that I am unable to comment on certain Blogger commenting formats.  I'm sorry about that.  To enable me to comment on your FFF post if you are running that particular Blogging commenting format please leave a comment on my post, then I can email back a comment on yours.  :)


Barbara H. said...

AC made my list, too. Nice to find new walking trails!

I love that you want to be with your folks on holidays to spend every one with them. Their time with us really does go by all too quickly.

I haven't had the opportunity to try Ethiopian food yet. I'm not a real adventurous eater, but I don't mind trying new things if they're not too spicy, or, as you mentioned, weird.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne - Happy Friday! I love your new FFF graphic - I will use that one next time I do FFF! Thanks. Glad you liked San Andreas. It is a fun disaster movie - total Hollywood! We are trying to find a time we can go see Jurassic World. I expect that will be more of the same. I have never had Ethiopian food - but I'm up to try it. Looks like you found a good hiking trail. Have a good weekend!

Ingrid said...

Father's day was a week earlier here, not very much celebrated ! We don't need airco here in Belgium, you can count real hot days on your fingers ! Nice walking path ! Why going far if you have beauty just in front of your door ?

Dianna said...

Hello Susanne,

What a blessing that you still have your parents and are able to get them out to do some things. Your breakfast with your dad and hubby sounds great! And bringing your mom to your home to enjoy some cooler temps is such a blessing.
I, too, enjoy trying new foods from different cultures. Have an awesome weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I feel the same way about being with both my own and Joe's mother. I haven't tried Ethiopian food but since I don't like spicy things I probably won't like it.

Monica said...

What a nice way to spend Father's Day! ;)
It has been hotter than blazes here! upper 90's with heat index in the 100's. My a/c has been on however we only set it to 78. Feels really cool when you come in from that aweful heat!

nikkipolani said...

Ah, yes, AC! Someone asked me if most homes in SoCal have AC -- yes! If not central air, then at least a window unit since 90F isn't uncommon any time of the year. Your week sounds lovely, Susanne, with highlights like that walk and a blessed breakfast with your beloveds.

Jerralea said...

Oh yes! I always bless the day that someone invented A/C. I rate that as one of the greatest inventions ever.

It's always fun to find new walking trails. That is a good photo of you and your hubby.

Willow said...

I'm glad you have AC to make your home more comfortable--we don't have AC--planning to install it this summer.
I wrote about a walking trail too :)
Ethiopian food!! SO GOOD! If you ever get to Los Angeles, you have to visit Little Ethiopia-a whole neighborhood of Ethiopian restaurants--it's one of our favorite places to go for a meal when we're in LA.

Faith said...

out here we are enjoying temps in the high 70s and low 80s so need for central air the last three nights. last weekend was super humid so we used it. im thankful for it! Glad you got some hiking in on those new trails! keep it up! great photo of you and the hubby. have a blessed weekend!