Friday, December 09, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #169

Welcome to Friday Fave Fives everybody.  Only a few more until Christmas is upon us.  The perfect opportunity to slow ourselves down in this very busy time and look for those God moments in our weeks, those moments that have brought a blessing, a smile, an uplifting of our hearts.  Join in with us as we take this moment.  

I'm fighting a touch of the flu today (Thursday) so I'll join you all in the morning (Friday) after a good night's sleep!

I'm back and feeling much better!  Thanks everyone for your kind words!  So I'm betting you'll know what the first one on my list is:

1.  Feeling like a new person!  A total 180 degree difference from yesterday.  And from the last couple of weeks in fact.  I, all of a sudden, feel motivated and raring to go on the Christmas stuff.  I'm thinking my ol' body was telling me enough is enough and if I wasn't going to purposefully give it a break, it would make sure it took one itself.  I don't think I've ever spent so much time on the couch.  I have a whole new appreciation for the comforts of couch.  The sick part wasn't so much fun but the total day of rest and sleep did me good.  Christmas here I come!

2.  Houston, we have a dress!  We had a budget, I thought it would be tough because she's quite particular.  But she laid her eyes on this beauty and knew it was the one.  Not the style or color she was thinking she wanted but once it was on her, there was no giving it back.  It's gorgeous, looks like a nighttime sky with stars sparkling all over with the clusters of shiny beading on the skirt!  A smidge above the budget but she kicked in the rest and we don't even have to do alterations!  And bonus, we got a great deal because the lady was selling out stock she had been building up to open a store which didn't happen.  T is going to be one gorgeous Grade 12 grad in the spring!

3.  Blockbuster rentals now at the library.  Since all the dvd rental stores have shut down in my city, the library has taken up the slack and now they have lots of copies of the blockbuster releases as soon as they come out.  For Free!  Free is awesome!  Free for 3 days!  And then the fine per day is cheaper than what we would have paid to rent for a day at the rental stores.  I loved the library!

4.  Dinner date with hubby.  Trying a new restaurant, a moment of unhurriedness together, having a chance to discuss Christmas gifts and plans.   Always a favorite with me.  

5.  Kid's laughter.  Gotta love the cuteness of preschooler's belly laughs.  Totally lightens up the day no matter how stressed it is!


nikkipolani said...

No no no no! No flu! Hope you are feeling better soon.

Willow said...

Oh dear. I hope you feel fine again in the morning.

Ingrid said...

That's awful ! wish you to get better soon !

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Praying that you are much, much better when you wake up in the morning,Susanne.

Faith said...

oh no!! hope you're feeling better!! will check back later on tonite...hugs and prayers to you

Melissa said...

Hope you are feeling much better this morning, Susanne!

Kathie said...

Awww - so sorry you're not feeling well Susanne. ((((hugs)))

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Hope you're better this morning, Susanne!! Take it easy. Happy Friday to you.

Lisa notes... said...

Oh no. We don't want you to be sick. I pray you'll feel better quickly!

Barbara H. said...

So glad you're feeling better! From what I can tell the dress looks lovely.

That's great that the library has free rentals of the newer DVDs! The library right close to us doesn't have DVDs at all but others do -- but I don't know if they have Blockbuster or new ones. Thankfully we have a lot of Red Box kiosks around with $1.20 or so rentals per day, plus we can look up online which one has the film we want so we don't have to scurry around looking.

Glad you had an enjoyable dinner date!

Ingrid said...

Welcome back to Christmas preparation and good bye to the flu !

Lisa notes... said...

Glad you're feelng better. Love the smile and the dress! :-) What a great feeling to find something you like.

Aren't libraries the absolute best! My library offers DVDs but they're not the most recent ones.

Jerralea said...

Your daughter's gown is so lovely!

Glad you are feeling better and ready for Christmas!

How neat that your library rents out such current movies for free!

Faith said...

love your list...especially the part about you feeling better...praise the LORD!! that grad dress is just gorgeous!! whoo she your "baby?" and yay for dinner dates and the laughs of little children....I wrote about children this week too!

Carrie said...

The dress is gorgeous! Your daughter more so! ;)

And I'm SO glad you are feeling better. It's not ever fun to feel sick, but especially not during festive holidays.

Olive Tree said...

Sorry for entering mine late. I will do my round of reading others' entries tomorrow. I hope you'll feel better soon, Susanne. Have a wonderful week, everyone.

Karyn said...

Gorgeous dress! She looks like a princess.

Children's laughter could be on my FFF list every week! Not much better than that!

Thank you for your prayers for Ava! She is recovering at home - acting like any well 2 year old. The doctors are confident that the oral antibiotics will finish things off.