I know it's already going on to supper hour for some of you but I'm going to put up Mr. Linky anyway in case any of you want to linger over a cup of coffee this evening or on the weekend reading the Fives.
1. Cards that make me cry. My daughter and my hubby both got me cards for Mother's Day that touched my heart. Hubby's was beautiful with a hummingbird approaching a gorgeous flower. The bird and flower were embroidered. It was beautiful. And the words in my older daughter's card just made me want to cry it was so touching. I love cards. They sometimes say perfectly those things that we find hard putting into words.
2. A beautiful day for Mother's Day. It was really nice outside on Sunday. So after a huge lunch which hubby went and bought, I enjoyed a nice walk with my sister. Haven't done that in forever with her and it made the day extra special just having that time.
3. Perfect gifts. Instead of flowers this year, my kids opted to get me Flashpoint season 2. They know I love this show and didn't have this season yet so it was perfect. Thanks again guys.
4. Happy Hour at Starbucks! All this week, we found out quite by accident when we went to pay, that between 3 and 5 pm until May 15th, Starbucks Frappuccinos are on for half price! Whoo. And just for your info, the toasted coconut mocha frapp is as delicious as it looks!
5. New website for my library. Love it. It now shows pics of the books and I can put things on my "bookshelf" labeled as in progress, completed or for later. They have reviews and ratings. Now I don't even have to leave home to get lost in the library.
Have a great weekend everyone. Jump on in even though it might be late or not even Friday anymore. It's never to late to remember our blessings!
Yay, blogger's back up! Your mother's day sounds really great, full of heart-felt feeling. Enjoy your weekend!
I've been hovering around hoping that blogger would allow us all to post. And finally, it did! Your Mother's Day was wonderful! I love special cards and I have to confess I save some of them for a long time. Have a great weekend!
I've been waiting on Blogger too. How dependent we get!
Glad you had such a nice Mother's Day. It's beautiful when people we spend our time loving, show their love in return, isn't it?
Enjoy the library.
Glad you had such a special Mother’s Day. Your library’s website sounds great. Maybe that will be in the works for my own library.
Blogger certainly put us through it, huh? Glad it’s up and running again.
Have a great weekend!
I didn't know Blogger was having problems, and when I saw none of my usual FFF buddies had posts in Google Reader, I was second guessing whether it was really Friday!
Sounds like you had a super-wonderful Mother's Day!
I haven't seen Flashpoint -- maybe I should check it out.
The library web site sounds really cool!
That blogger thing was a mess! I'm glad you're up and running again. My server was down for about 3 days in December. Not fun!
I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day - Starbucks is such a fabulous treat -half priced Starbucks is even batter!
I got those sweet cards too! Wow, your new library site sounds great.
Thanks for putting up FFF even though it was late! Take care and have a great week.
I was just thinking this morning that I hadn't done my FFF post yesterday. It was a busy day but twice I tried to get onto Blogger and couldn't. I'm glad you said we should go ahead and do one...I'm thinking about it.
Mama Bear
I was going NUTS with Blogger down! lol....my list is up. I LOVE all the blessings the Lord brought to your life...I dislike Starbucks and I WISH DD had those afternoon specials! have a great weekend Susanne!!
i love sending and receiving cards too. i think of cards as little gifts.
i was able to spend mother's day with my sista too. it did make the day more special. instead of taking a walk together, we took a nap together on the couch. so cozy.
as usual i am extra blessed because i took the time to write my fff post this week.
The Blogger outage was stressful for me, too, but it did give me time to get some extra work done at home. :)
Your Mother's Day sounds wonderful! And half-price Frappuccinos ... what a delicious surprise! Toasted coconut mocha sounds great to me!
Oh Susanne, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother in law and that I wasn't here sooner to tell you that.
So glad you enjoyed this past week and all the blessings it included. I love your positive attitude!
The blogger outage was so annoying. I finally get back in to blogging and the darn thing was down for an entire day. Harumph!
Love your list of favorites. I like greeting cards, too. A couple of family members have a knack for picking just the right card. Your mother's day sounds wonderful!
Hope you're enjoying the weekend, Susanne.
This is my first time joining in and of course Blogger goes down for it - LOL! :) Loved your list and Happy Hour is on my list too! Thanks so much for hosting!
Yeah for blogger being back up! I think that was a bit frustrating for a few people.
Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! So glad...
I'm not afraid to say I've enjoyed a couple of those Starbuck's frapp's for 1/2 price. YUM!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend
Wonderful favorites, Susanne! Much to be grateful for!
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