Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #103

Hi everyone! Welcome to another week of looking at our blessings! The first order of business is to name the winner of the FFF 100th Post Party! Drumroll please! And the winner of a Starbucks gift card is.....

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-08-27 00:42:30 UTC


Congratulations! Please respond by next Friday, September 3 by clicking on my email link in my profile and let me know where to send that card and enjoy your favorite drink on me. Thanks to everyone for joining me to celebrate and thanks for keeping this meme going for 2 years now!

And now onto this week's favorites.

1. Enjoying this cool website.

2. "I am Hutterite". This one I actually finished a few weeks ago, but I thought it was still worth the mention. What a wonderful true story. Full review here. Scroll down to #27.

3. Homegrown cherry tomatoes. Picked daily. Eaten right off the plant. Yummy. My first attempt at growing these babies has yielded many delicious bites of tomato goodness and the plant is still going strong.

4. Weddings. It's been quite a while since we were invited to a wedding, but we attended a beautiful one last weekend. I just love them. The beautiful bride, the gorgeous dress, the nervous. handsome groom, the vows, the spiritual significance, the dinner. I love it all.

5. My bed. After sleeping in other beds during vacation I am always so thankful for my own bed when I get home.

And what the heck, it was a 100th post party. I'm going to give away a couple more cards.

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

16 20

Timestamp: 2010-08-27 00:50:44 UTC

Heidi and Islandsparrow (Kathie)

Enjoy ladies! Don't forget to email me with where you'd like the card sent by next Friday!

What has been your favorites from the week? Do a post and please link up so that we can come and visit.


Gattina said...

Apparently I am the first ;) ! Last wedding I can't even remember, lol !

ellen b. said...

Wow...can't believe I'm first. Usually I've been in bed 2 hours before Mr. Linky goes up but I started watching Project Runway and couldn't pull myself away from Austin and Santino. Fresh grown tomatoes are so good. We're going to our first wedding this year on the weekend :0)
I'm so with you on #5. Your own bed is the best! Thanks Susanne!

Jientje said...

Nothing better than your own bed, I agree. Homegrown cherry tomatoes sounds wonderful. I would love to go to a wedding myself, but unfortuantely, none of my friends or family is getting married these days.
Have a wonderful weekend Susanne!

Karyn said...

That website looks real interesting - thanks for the link.

Home grown of the best things about summer!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, I LOVE cherry tomatoes! And I know what you mean about your own bed...

I missed connecting with you all last week -- glad to be back!

Melissa said...

There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed or being able to pick fresh, homegrown tomatoes. I appreciate both of those!

Hazel said...

Oh weddings! some of my all-time favorite events :) Those cherry tomatoes sound so appetizing, and making me want some for dinner in a few minutes now. Happy weekend, Susanne.

Faith said...

Great list...thanks for sharing that book looks like a good read more than I do!! and that's saying ALOT! :)
Yummy.....homegrown cherry tomatoes...I only did that once....maybe next year I'll try it those!
Hope you have a great weekend, Susanne....thanks for this fun meme...I so enjoy it!

Barbara H. said...

Congrats to e-Mom, Heidi, and Islandsparrow!

I agree there's nothing like your own bed -- and your own bathroom!

Islandsparrow said...

Hooray!! Thanks so much Suzanne - you're a sweetie!! Not only do you host our weekly party but you're giving away gifts too!

Can you see me smiling??

Thanks again!

PS - love love love cherry tomatoes - they're like candy! And I'm going to check out that cool website too.

Have a great weekend Suzanne <3

Jerralea said...

Interesting site! Thanks for sharing - I will have to check it out when I have more time.

I've been eating cherry tomatoes as a snack this week myself. My church friend, Brenda, grows them and share with me. So nice of her ...

There's nothing like being in your own bed!

Lisa notes... said...

TrekEarth does look like a cool website. It’s amazing to me how many neat things are out there for the taking. Aren’t weddings great? I love them, too. My niece is getting married in December and I can’t wait.

annies home said...

love those off the vine cherry tomatoes they are to die for the only thing better is sleeping in your own bed after being gone

Carrie said...

Oh! I have a copy of I am HUtterite headed this way! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the read!

And yes. What can beat your own bed upon returning home?

Kari said...

I know what you're saying about sleeping in your own bed. I always look forward to coming back home to it.
I love love love cherry tomatoes good for you that your plant is still going strong.
I also enjoyed reading your book reviews, I'll be looking out for a couple of them.
Happy weekend.

Willow said...

Yes, I love my own bed. I totally agree with you on #5. Aren't weddings fun? Your kids are coming up to 'that age' and soon every summer will be filled with weddings, theirs and their friends'. It's a fun season of life.

Joanne said...

Great list Susanne!
I love looking at photos from around the interesting!
Love cherry tomatoes, sweet weddings (make me cry everytime),
my own bed especially if it is just washed and hung on the line, and I enjoyed the I am Hutterite book as well recently!
Thanks for sharing,

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Isn't it funny how your own bed can feel so great after being away!! :) Thanks for sharing the website, will have to check into it.

TXDidi said...

Vacations are fun but there's nothing like your own bed to help you appreciate being back home. Welcome back.