Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #85

Hello and welcome! It's Friday and that means it's time to look back and reflect over the week and find our five favorite things out of the past week. It's a wonderful way to get into the habit of looking for good things in one's life even when one is going through a hard week. If you need details they are here. Otherwise, just jump right in and join us.

1. Shelter. Last night while lying in bed listening to the rain and snow being driven by the wind so hard that it sounded like my house was being sand blasted, I was so thankful that my family and I had shelter from the physical storm outside. I don't think I ever remember ever being so aware what a blessing having shelter was.

2. Taking my Mom to Costco. I had the chance to take my mom along to Costco and just knowing she really enjoyed it made me happy. My mom is in her '70's and suffering from all sorts of arthritis issues. It was nice that she was having a fairly good day and we could enjoy a nice Sunday afternoon with a little trip to Costco.

3. Lunch out with a friend. I had a chance to take my friend out for a little lunch for her birthday. It was so much fun and I had the best sandwich. Grilled chicken, avacado and brie sandwich with a ceasar salad. Yum!

4. The library. Oh how I love this place. It's sorta like a little getaway for me. I love to browse and just sit there and read with a cup of coffee from the coffee shop they have. And even though I have a basket full of books at home that I need to get through, I usually cannot seem to get away without finding another great read to take home.

5. Going to the lake. Before the insane weather hit yesterday I was really enjoying getting to the lake for a quick walk here and there. I'm hoping to make it at least 4 times a week. Another little get away right in my own neighborhood. It's lovely walking around it and here too, I love to sit and read or just enjoy people watching. And my furry friend loves it there too.

What were your favorites for the week? If you join us and do a post, please link up. I encourage everyone to go around and visit and meet some new people. It's amazing how encouraging it is reading what other's were blessed by in their weeks. By the way, I've gone back to the linky page that displays on another page when you click on it. I'm finding the one that lists right on the post won't display archive lists. And I can't figure out why. So I'll just do the simple thing and go back to the one I know will work the way I want. Also, quite a few of you asked for my salsa recipes and I said I'd post it. Please forgive me, I have no excuse other than to say I've forgotten. I will try to get to that this next week.


nikkipolani said...

Can you believe it's the end of April already?! And still the snow and rain doesn't yet know it's time to move along now! Glad you were safe and warm.

My library is getting a little coffee shop too :-) How nice that you have a little get-away not far from home.

Willow said...

Susanne, I too often think of shelter, which is one of the three basic human needs, and am thankful that I have a warm (or cool) place of shelter that belongs to me.

How much fun to spend time with your mom! Cherish it!

Marg said...

I can't believe what you have been through this week.
Take time for those walks, and enjoy your mother....That's what I missed so much this past week.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Jientje said...

Time spent with your mom, a delicious lunch with a friend, walks by the lake, it all sounds lovely Susanne! I had a great week myself, thanks for letting me share it!

Mary said...

Snow: WOW! I'm sure y'all are probably tired of it by now. It hasn't gotten up to 70 degrees this week, and we're having a "Blacberry Winter"!
I absolutely love the Library, too, and, I have a stack of books at home to read as well. There's just something about the library that doesn't seem right if you don't take at least one book out with you!
Thanks for hosting!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Sounds like you had a lovely week.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Lunch with a friend, the library, and a lake -- how much better can it get?

I often tell myself I'm too busy for a quick lunch with friends, but we have to nurture our friendships, don't we?

I don't know why it is that a lake or pond or ocean is so calming, but I've decided I could easily live in sight of one the rest of my life!

Happy weekend, Susanne.

Michelle said...

I can't even believe tomorrow is the 1st of May. My mother is in her late 60's and she has COPD and has a hard time walking around but she does love it when I take her with me to do a little shopping. have a great week and thanks for hosting this everyweek and please if I am doing something wrong with the linking or whatever, please let me know.

Faith said...

How nice that your library has a coffee shop! I'm jealous :)

And i lovethe lake!! I have to drive about 30 min to get to a nice are blessed....

and that lunch.....!!! YUMMY!!!

Melli said...

Oh, I just can't belieeeeeeve you had SNOW again! How awful! I'm sO sorry! It's AlMOST May Suzanne! Even in CANADA! Surely spring is coming!

Sounds like you had some great moments this week!

Lisa notes... said...

All your favorites sound so nice! Glad you had good time with your mom and lunch with your friend. And the library? I love the library, too. And can never get away without any extra books that I do not need. ha.

Heidi said...

Your list is going to inspire a few of the things I'll add to mine. :)

ellen b. said...

Shelter is good. I hope winter finally leaves your neck of the woods :0)
I have a fondness for libraries too. So many good memories there.
It's sad to see it getting harder and harder for our older parents getting around. Have a wonderful weekend Susanne...

TXDidi said...

My goodness. I can't believe that you are still getting snow. So glad that you were able to stay warm and dry. Aren't times with our moms special, even if it is just a trip to a store? And of course, libraries are near the top of my list for special places to go.

Carrie said...

I LOVE listening to the rain when I'm going to sleep. (I get plenty of opportunities to do this in Oregon.) It's just a beautiful, relaxing sound.

The lake is just beautiful.

I didn't get around to this this week but it's still fun reading other people's posts.

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Still? Snow? ack!
Lunch out with friends especially for a birthday is so much fun! have a great week

Islandsparrow said...

Heard about your wintery weathry last night - hope it doesn't last long.

Going out with your mom is so special. I miss doing that with my mother.

Lunch with a friend and library time are high onmy favourite lsit too.

Hope a chinook comes your way soon!

Happy weekend!

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad you had good shelter during the bad weather. I hope it all clears up soon.

Glad you had a good lunch out with a friend!

How nice to live so near a lake! That is my husband's dream.

Barbara said...

Yes this is the last day of April, wow where has this month gone, I love the library too, my favorite places to visit, beside my garden, lol Stop by my blog and take a look see the rose I picked from my garden just for you.
Hugs Barbara from

Donnetta said...

I can't believe the weather that you are having! CRAZY! Right now we are getting rain, rain and more rain.

I always enjoy lunch with a friend. How nice that you could have that time to celebrate her birthday!

Ditto on the enjoyment of the local library.

And the lake is absolutely beautiful. So lovely it is close enough for you to frequent!

Happy Friday to you!

hrg at Sacred Ruminations said...

We have had crazy weather all over, but YOURS makes me shiver! I've been grateful for shelter from the WIND this past week. How wonderful that you're able to spend time with your mom. I love spending time in the library and in book stores ... just because.
Hugs and blessings,

Marg said...

You asked a good question. Most of those flowers from bouquets received from friends.
The lilac is a shot from Europe last year.

Debbie said...

A lake, a library, and a lunch out--sounds like a good week! Thanks for sponsoring this meme--I'm participating for the second week.

Sandra said...

Ugh that snow is just annoying now isn't it? Here's hoping for some warmth and sunshine coming your way soon ;)