Whew, it has been a week. So busy with all sorts of commitments. It's a good thing we have this little space that reminds us to slow down, take a breath, pause and look for blessings from the past week. Having a busy week like I did, it's so easy for me not to even take note. The blessings become a blur as I'm rushing onto the next thing. Which starts me seeing more of the negative than I do the blessings. The older I get the more I see how important being intentionally thankful is. Please join us by sharing your favorite 5 blessings from the week.
~ birthday celebrations ~ Friday we celebrated my sis in law's bday. We had a wonderful evening at our favorite Italian restaurant. Great meal, great conversation and the opportunity to celebrate a special lady.
~ leading study ~ this week I was asked to lead the lady's study I am a part of. I was a bit nervous, as it's been about 4 years since I stopped leading a study group. But all went well, we had some great conversation with everyone participating. I'm thankful that I was able to get out of my rut with the opportunity. It made me realize how much I missed having a group of my own.
~ new show ~ well now that Monk is no longer available on the streaming channel we have, Hubby and I needed to find something else we could watch together. We found House of David on another streaming service we have and have been enjoying the episodes so far.
~ body butter ~ my hands have been so dry lately, especially the knuckles. Probably something to do with the 1000 times a day I have to wash my hands while working with preschoolers. I found a nicely scented body butter that seems to be doing the trick to soothe it.
~ ice cream ~ had to make my list this month as my favorite local small batch ice cream shop had two great feature flavors this month: Chocolate dipped strawberry and Grasshopper Pie. Oh my, both were so delicious! Made even sweeter with the purchase paid for by a gift card I received for Christmas.
What were you're favorite blessings from your week?